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Saturday, October 5, 2019


28 As they came near the village to which they were going, he walked ahead as if he were going on. 29 But they urged him strongly, saying, “Stay with us, because it is almost evening and the day is now nearly over.” So he went in to stay with them. 30 When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. 31 Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him; and he vanished from their sight. 32 They said to each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us[a] while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?” 33 That same hour they got up and returned to Jerusalem; and they found the eleven and their companions gathered together. 34 They were saying, “The Lord has risen indeed, and he has appeared to Simon!” 35 Then they told what had happened on the road, and how he had been made known to them in the breaking of the bread.

The part of another Breakthrough story,

I was the part of the Music Ministry as a vocalist, even though I had so much time to practice and do it my best for Him. Together with my brothers and sisters, I felt so welcomed and they motivated me every time when I had some problems, lapses and ups and downs. They treated me not as a friend but as a family. Better to felt me like that.

Youtube vlog link:

The final practice and rehearsal

Amazing Grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me

credits to the photo owner: @gwynbriones_

"The soul of the one who serves God always swims in joy, always keeps holiday, and is always in the mood for singing."
- St. John of the Cross

credits to the owner: Mark Klyn Cortez

So let fear show the frail!
Still we'll walk this road.
Where hope leads the way.

We behave like a family.

We behave like sibs too and friends. As children do.

- Kuya Bimbo Yerro

You were not where you were supposed to be but God met you exactly where you are. He is always going to be your breakthrough.
― Letters of Solana

A lot of circumstances that I've been through but this realization could make me feel better. Despite amidst of respective matters and exerted efforts. I'm really grateful to Him to use me as an instrument and talents that He given to. I could never imagine to sing on the stage to lead the worship nor the performer. He created us to be instruments with ability to sing and make music. Thank you Lord for allowing us to experience the fullness of love. My heart is full and it was the sweetest breakthrough.

For that may God be Praised!!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


This is my Breakthrough story,

Before the Praise Concert happened, each one of us has a different story. Struggles, lapses, grateful moments, and our faith.
My family had a huge struggle, little did I know when my Dad diagnosed a pulmonary mass (adenocarcinoma). When he was working on abroad, he wanted to be diagnosed it at the time because of his roughing cough and difficult to breathe. He tried to diagnosed every part of his body and it was negative result. So, my dad came back to the Philippines just for sure what he’s in condition. After a few weeks, my Mom and Dad went to the hospital diagnosing the biopsy. After few days, my Dad was hospitalized and he was in a critical condition. I prayed a lot and hope that he was ok but it was not.

July 25, 2019.

I went to Davao Doctors Hospital with Tito and Tita. I got the biopsy result and it was too late that he diagnosed a lung cancer stage 4 (adenocarcinoma). I was so shocked and we went to the restaurant through had a snack. At 4:23 pm someone texted at Tito’s phone and they’re read. I was wondering what were they doing. Unfortunately, they told me “He is gone” and I was like shattered pieces of my heart. I had to accept and stay strong. My Dad passed away just an hour after got the result of biopsy. At first, I cried and I didn’t know what to do. So, I called my Mom and she answered “Ging, stay strong ta ninyo! It’s okay not to be okay pero kailangan man nato dawaton kay mao na ang will ni Lord. Wala man tay mahimo ug dili nato supakon ang will Niya.”

After few days of my father’s funeral, that’s the time my heart felt soft because my aunt told me about what my Dad’s last breath and he’s still praying until he died and he smiled. Together with relatives, friends, brothers and sisters in the community. After the internment, my family and my relatives gather each other and talking about my father’s memory with them.

Losing a parent is one of the most emotional and universal human experiences and it changes us forever.

Our family is our life, and everything else comes second as far as what's important to us. 

To be continued…

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Joyful Memories: SHOUT 2016

SHOUT (Summer House Training) 2016

One of the most memorable moments for this year. Actually, this is my 2nd Shout in the province that I joined. The most awaited part was that the Sessions, Workshops and even Teachings. I'm glad to knew hear that! 

This is the SHOUT House located at Baguio District, Calinan, Davao City.
This is so cool, warm air every day and air fresh every cold night. 
My first impression
Wow this is so amazing because of the full bamboos from interior and exterior designs. 
I was totally impressed at that moment and I got a lot fun of memories from there.

"Rejoice, Pray and Give Thanks"

The theme is anchored on Philippians 4:4-7—Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice! Your kindness should be known to all. The Lord is near. Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

It all started from Back to Basics: YFC Culture Worship

Worship is the way we Praise God. It is always led by the Holy Spirit. When there is Holy Spirit there is God. Worship is a prayer itself.

"A person who sings prays twice" - St. Augustine

There are the 4 Teachings

1. Culture of the Spirit: Understanding the basics of the community

In the Province of Davao del Norte there are 4 areas and 5 Programs.

The highlights are:
The Personal relationship with God
Discipleship with Jesus
In the life of the Holy Spirit
Fellowship as Brothers and Sisters in the Lord
Beyond Borders, Cross Cultures and;
Mission with the Poor

2. One Call Away
How you acknowledge?
Grow in the faith through prayer.
Prayer is entering living and intimate relationship with God.

3. Living in the Spirit of Mercy
Let the flow of mercy begin.

4. To Raise and to be Raised
"Success without successors is a failure"

These teachings are very important for us to know more about God and about our Culture to the community.


Less Beyond Measure

We did this to treasure your treasures. It's effective when you try to save your money
as well. So you have your own ICONsya.

Lectio Divina

"If the practice of Lectio Divina is practiced, I'm convinced that there
will be a new spring time in the Church"
- Pope Benedict VI

Ready for Duty: Radical Evangelism

I just want to share about what did I evangelized.. but before that
As a group we walking down the street from Gaisano Grand Mall Calinan to Market
as far as I remember. We spread to a different place to find someone that you
want to talk to or shall I say having a conversation with someone.
So, me and my co-member split up to a different spot. 
I tried to find someone..
First, the woman who sell a Kakanin. So, I asked her how much is the price, 
it seems that it is a cheap or exxy (expensive). But sad to say she doesn't 
want to talked to me and I felt dejected.
I tried to find another one and Praise God I found her.

Her name is Deverly, a 16-year-old lived in Calinan, Davao City. She sells a commodities in 
the Market. 
First, I just bought a pen and I tried to ask her.
"Hello, taga asa diay ka te?" (Hello, where are you from?)
"Taga diri ko day." (I live here.)
"Ahh, kamusta naman imong tabaho diha te?"
(Ahh, How is your duty here?)
"Ok lang." (It's fine)
Her religion is Alliance (it's a different right?)
We had a long conversation at the moment but there's a point thing that I struck in my mind
"Have you ever read the bible?" I asked her
"Yes, before but now I don't."
"Because I have no time to read" she said.
"I'm gonna ask you, hmm as what you read the bible, 
have you remember the verse?"
She think instantly and she shared about the bible verse
"Call to me, and I will answer you; I will tell to you things great
beyond reach of your knowledge - Jer. 33:3" she remember and share her bible verse.
I was like  wow amazing she remembered about it.
I was affirmed from her and she's totally nice.
Afterwards, it's been an hour of conversation to her and I gave her a token to had a
remembrance. She's totally smiled and she gave me a hug. Ahhhh it's time to say goodbye
but it doesn't mean to end but it is an and. That's the end of the short story. 

Two is better than one: Becoming a sister leader God called me to be

I am a WOMAN of God.

I am a missionary, sent with a mission partner.
How can I complement my mission partner?
Affirmation because he is called and anointed by God
Appreciation because he is a gift from God
Attention because you are accountable to look after him.

You are not alone when you don't have a mission partner but still 
continue to pray and God will plan a better for you to have a mission partner.


Philippians 4:4
"Joy is a gift from God, it feels from within" -  Pope Francis

Joy that transcends in all circumstances.

"A joyful missionary is a good missionary."

You are chosen and continue to respond. Christ has given reason. Prayer is
a way to communicate with God.

Jesus teach us simply to pray. When we pray we need first silence, we need
action and we need to acknowledge the presence of the Holy Spirit.


Gratitude is a memory of the heart. It benefits both the giver and receiver and happiness.

Thankfulness brings joy. Ultimately, Thanksgiving in faith bears fruit of generosity.
For if we have nothing but gratitude in our hearts. 


John 14:12-14

We can rejoice like St. Paul, we are deeply loved by the Lord.
Our challenge is to never lose sight of the freedom that
Christ's perfect love is offering us and actually in us.

Rejoice, Pray and Give Thanks.